How do I create an impressionable product teaser video?

Asked a year ago

I'd like to create a product teaser video for a new AI-enabled washing machine that will soon be released by my company so that we can publish it on the company website. From what I understand, I should make sure that the video is captivating enough so that customers will return to the website to buy the product when it is released. So, does anybody have any tips on how to make an impressionable product teaser video?

Rob Elgar

Rob Elgar

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

An impressionable product teaser video needs to be short, to the point, and create excitement from the moment the video begins.

To ensure you gain an audience's attention, gain excitement, and bring the potential customers back at launch, you will want to ensure that you remain consistent with your brand's aesthetics, showcase the product with its best features, and demonstrate the item in the real world.

You should also make use of engaging, mood-stimulating music, as well as always adding a call to action.

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