What are the best practices for sharing UGC?

Asked a year ago

I'd like to share user-generated content created by my customers, but I’m not sure what the best practices are… As far as I do know, I would have to credit the original creator. Do you have any other tips to keep in mind when sharing this type of content?

Rob Elgar

Rob Elgar

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Apart from asking permission to share the content, you should keep in mind the following before launching a UGC campaign:

Your goal: Be clear about what you want to achieve from the campaign

Relevant channels: Different social media platforms are better for different types of content, so choose wisely

Audience clarity: Ensure your audience is 100% sure about what you are asking for in order to avoid irrelevant content

Offer something in return: It doesn't always need to be physical. Sometimes recognition or the feeling of being a part of something is enough of a reward to motivate your audience to participate

Remember to always be entertaining, and original, and to have fun!

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