How are product videos used by e-commerce companies?

Asked a year ago

Hello everyone! I'm looking for new ways to showcase my products on my e-commerce. I was thinking of making a new product video, something with a twist. I’ve already created one explaining the design of products with voiceovers, and one highlighting the “exterior features.” Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks!

Rob Elgar

Rob Elgar

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Product videos can be used in multiple ways to demonstrate a product on an e-commerce store. Here are a few popular methods:

  • Product demonstrations and descriptions
  • Virtual try-on for clothing
  • Customer Testimonials
  • Cross-selling and promotion of other products

If you're stuck with a video idea and aren't sure how to incorporate the above, these may give you a few video ideas:

  • Lifestyle: Show how the product is used in real life
  • Comparison: Demonstrate how the product compares to other similar items
  • Behind the scene: Show how the product is made or assembled

Remember to stay creative and always add your personal touch.

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